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    National Marine Fisheries Service (2007)

    2007 Federal Recovery Outline for the Distinct Population Segment of Southern California Coast Steelhead

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    National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Regional Office.

    In the interim between listing and recovery plan approval, the NMFS Interim Recovery Planning Guidance requires the development of a Recovery Outline for listed species. A Recovery Outline provides a preliminary strategy for conservation that conforms to the mandates of the ESA. The Recovery Outline is intended to guide initial recovery actions and ensure that future recovery options are not precluded due to a lack of interim guidance. The Recovery Outline provides an overview of the listed species, a brief assessment of the listing factors, a preliminary recovery strategy (based upon the TRT products), and identifies a set of priority recovery actions. It also sets out a schedule for the completion of a full recovery plan. The Recovery Outline is intended to serve as interim guidance to recovery efforts and planning until a full recovery plan is developed and approved.

    FINAL%202007%20Recovery%20Outline%20for%20the%20DPS%20of%20Southern%20CA%20Coast%20Steelhead%20091407.pdf (3MB)

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