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    Search the watershed knowledge base

    The Santa Clara River watershed knowledge base is a searchable catalog of science-based information relevant to the management, conservation, and restoration of the Santa Clara River and the surrounding watershed. The knowledge base is essentially a bibliographic system, containing references with links to digital documents and data where available. The knowledge base also catalogs river-related projects within the watershed, with a focus on projects that increase scientific understanding and contribute to management and restoration efforts. Project pages contain links to relevant references in the bibliographic system, providing a "project view" of information in the knowledge base.

    The database includes literature on Santa Clara River-specific and regional topics including southern steelhead, water quality, terrestrial resources, conservation planning, geomorphology and geology, and botany. Also included are a number of primary literature references useful in providing basic conceptual understanding of riverine ecosystems.

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    TIP! use an asterix (*) to do a wildcard search (example: searching with "geo*" will include all words containing "geo" --e.g., geology, geomorphology, geomorphic)

    Conducted by Funding Status Title Relevance
    Stillwater Sciences
    California State Coastal Conservancy
    Active Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study 100%

    Authors Date Title Relevance
    Graf, WL (1988). Fluvial Processes in Dryland Rivers 100%
    Gabet, EJ, and Dunne, T (2003). A stochastic sediment delivery model for a steep Mediterranean landscape 97%
    Putnam, WC (1942). Geomorphology of the Ventura region, California 96%
    Harris, R, and Olson, C (1997). Two-stage system for prioritizing riparian restoration at the stream reach and community scales 94%
    Graf, WL, Stromberg, J, and Valentine, B (2002). Rivers, dams, and willow flycatchers: a summary of their science and policy connections 92%
    Harris, RR (1999). Defining Reference Conditions for Restoration of Riparian Plant Communities: Examples from California, USA 85%
    Azor, A, Keller, EA, and Yeats, RS (2002). Geomorphic indicators of active fold growth: South Mountain- Oak Ridge anticline, Ventura basin, southern California 78%
    Nanson, GC, and Croke, JC (1992). A genetic classification of floodplains 76%
    Hupp, CR, and Osterkamp, WR (1996). Riparian vegetation and fluvial geomorphic processes 75%
    Graf, WL (2000). Locational Probability for a Damned, Urbanizing Stream: Salt River, Arizona, USA. 72%
    Gabet, EJ (2003). Sediment transport by dry ravel 67%
    Hooke, J (2003). Coarse sediment connectivity in river channel systems: a conceptual framework and methodology 60%
    Eaton, BC, and Lapointe, MF (2001). Effects of large floods on sediment transport and reach morphology in the cobble-bed Sainte Marguerite River 60%
    Duvall, A, Kirby, E, and Burbank, D (2004). Tectonic and lithologic controls on bedrock channel profiles and processes in coastal California. 60%
    Stillwater Sciences (2007). Santa Paula Creek Watershed Planning Project: Geomorphology and Channel Stability Assessment (DRAFT) 59%
    Bendix, J, and Hupp, CR (2000). Hydrological and geomorphological impacts on riparian plant communities 58%
    Kupfer, JA, and Malanson, GP (1993). Observed and modeled directional change in riparian forest composition at a cutbank edge 54%
    Gabet, EJ, Reichman, OJ, and Seabloom, EW (2003). The Effects of Bioturbation on Soil Processes and Sediment Transport 51%
    Steiger, J, and Gurnell, AM (2002). Spatial hydrogeomorphological influences on sediment and nutrient deposition in riparian zones: observations from the Garonne River, France 50%
    RBF Consulting (2007). Santa Paula Creek Watershed Planning Project: Hydrology and Hydraulic Watershed Assessment (DRAFT) 50%
    Gaeuman, DA, Schmidt, JC, and Wilcock, PR (2003). Evaluation of in-channel gravel storage with morphology-based gravel budgets developed from planimetric data 49%
    Gabet, EJ (2003). Post-fire thin debris flows: sediment transport and numerical modelling 49%
    Malamud, BD, Turcotte, DL, Guzzetti, F, and Reichenbach, P (2004). Landslide inventories and their statistical properties 48%
    Stillwater Sciences (2007). Santa Paula Creek Watershed Planning Project: Steelhead Habitat and Population Assessment 45%
    Hawkins, CP, Bartz, KL, and Neale, CM (1997). Vulnerability of riparian vegetation to catastrophic flooding: Implications for riparian restoration 40%
    Kelley, E (2004). Information Synthesis and Priorities Regarding Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on the Santa Clara River 39%
    Hauer, FR, and Lorang, MS (2004). River regulation, decline of ecological resources, and potential for restoration in a semi-arid lands river in the western US. 37%
    Drezner, TD, Fall, PL, and Stromberg, JC (2001). Plant distribution and dispersal mechanisms at the Hassayampa River Preserve , Arizona , USA 37%
    Tiegs, S, O'Leary, J, Pohl, M, and Munill, C (2005). Flood disturbance and riparian species diversity on the Colorado River Delta. 36%
    Harrison, LR, Keller, EA, Kelley, E, and Mertes, L (2006). Minimum Flow Requirements for Southern Steelhead Passage on the Lower Santa Clara River, CA 34%
    Lavé, J, and Burbank, D (2004). Denudation processes and rates in the Transverse Ranges, southern California: erosional response of a transitional landscape to external and anthropogenic forcing. 33%
    Lite, SJ, and Stromberg, JC (2005). Surface water and ground-water thresholds for maintaining Populus - Salix forests, San Pedro River, Arizona 31%
    Dvorsky, JR (2000). The influence of valley morphology and coarse sediment distribution on rainbow trout populations in Sespe Creek, California at the landscape scale 30%
    AMEC Earth and Environmental (2005). Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan. Final Document. 30%
    Lite, SJ, Bagstad, KJ, and Stromberg, JC (2005). Riparian plant species richness along lateral and longitudinal gradients of water stress and flood disturbance, San Pedro River, Arizona, USA. 28%
    The Nature Conservancy (2006). Santa Clara River - Upper Watershed Conservation Plan 27%
    ESA (Environmental Science Associates) (2003). McGrath State Beach Natural Resources Management Plan 27%
    No authors specified (2008). Conservation Plan for the Lower Santa Clara River Watershed and Surrounding Areas 26%
    Stillwater Sciences (2007). Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study: Assessment of Geomorphic Processes 24%
    Nautilus Environmental (2005). Comprehensive Analysis of Enhancements and Impacts Associated with Discharge of Treated Effluent from the Ventura Water Reclamation Facility to the Santa Clara River Estuary 22%
    Stillwater Sciences (2007). Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study: Focal Species Analysis and Habitat Characterization for the Lower Santa Clara River and Major Tributaries, Ventura County, California. 2%
    Stillwater Sciences (2008). Santa Clara River Parkway: Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study 2%

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