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The Santa Clara River watershed knowledge base is a searchable catalog of science-based information relevant to the management, conservation, and restoration of the Santa Clara River and the surrounding watershed. The knowledge base is essentially a bibliographic system, containing references with links to digital documents and data where available. The knowledge base also catalogs river-related projects within the watershed, with a focus on projects that increase scientific understanding and contribute to management and restoration efforts. Project pages contain links to relevant references in the bibliographic system, providing a "project view" of information in the knowledge base.

The database includes literature on Santa Clara River-specific and regional topics including southern steelhead, water quality, terrestrial resources, conservation planning, geomorphology and geology, and botany. Also included are a number of primary literature references useful in providing basic conceptual understanding of riverine ecosystems.

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TIP! use an asterix (*) to do a wildcard search (example: searching with "geo*" will include all words containing "geo" --e.g., geology, geomorphology, geomorphic)

Conducted byFundingStatusTitle Relevance
Stillwater Sciences
California State Coastal Conservancy
Active Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study 1%
Stoecker Ecological, University of California Santa Barbara
Santa Clara River ARCO Oil Spill Fund, The Nature Conservancy
Complete Santa Clara River Steelhead Trout: Assessment and Recovery Opportunities 1%
Stillwater Sciences, URS Corporation
Santa Clara River ARCO Oil Spill Fund, California State Coastal Conservancy
Complete Riparian Vegetation Mapping and Preliminary Classification for the Lower Santa Clara River, Ventura County 1%
Bio Logic Consulting
Santa Clara River ARCO Oil Spill Fund
Active Avian Surveys within the Santa Clara River Watershed, 2005-2006 1%
California State Coastal Conservancy, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ventura County Watershed Protection District
Complete Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan 1%
Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, Kamman Hydrology & Engineering, Inc., Nautilus Environmental
City of San Buenaventura
Complete City of San Buenaventura Santa Clara River Estuary Studies 1%
RBF Consulting, Stillwater Sciences
California Department of Fish and Game
Active Santa Paula Creek Watershed Planning Project 1%
Complete The Santa Clara River Parkway Workshop 1%
Stillwater Sciences
California State Coastal Conservancy
Complete Focal Species Analysis and Habitat Characterization for the Lower Santa Clara River and Major Tributaries, Ventura County 1%
Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
Active Upper Santa Clara River Chloride TMDL Collaborative Process 1%

Orr, B, and Diggory, Z (2011). A Strategic Plan for Treatment of Arundo donax and Restoration of Riparian Vegetation in the Santa Clara River Parkway 1%
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc (2006). Comprehensive Water Quality Monitoring Plan for the Santa Clara River Watershed 1%
Stoecker, M, and Kelley, E (2005). Santa Clara River Steelhead Trout: Assessment and Recovery Opportunities. 1%
URS Corporation (In review). Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study: Water Resources Investigations. 1%
AMEC Earth and Environmental (2005). Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan. Final Document. 1%
CH2M Hill (1996). Final Cultural Resources Report for the Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan 1%
CH2M Hill (1993). Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan: Bibliography 1%
Aggregate Resources Subcommittee of the Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan (1996). Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan: Aggregate Resources Report - Los Angeles and Ventura Counties 1%
Santa Clara River Project Steering Committee (1996). Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan Study: Biological Resources, Volume I 1%
Santa Clara River Project Steering Committee (1996). Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan Study: Biological Resources, Volume II - Distribution of Potential Habitat for Sensitive Species 1%
United Water Conservation District, and Castaic Lake Water Agency (1996). Water Resources Report on the Santa Clara River 1%
Ventura County Flood Control District, and Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (1996). Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan: Flood Protection Report 1%
AMEC Earth and Environmental (2005). Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan: Biology Overlays 1%
AMEC Earth and Environmental (2005). Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan: Land Use and Flood Overlays 1%
AMEC Earth and Environmental (2005). Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan: Water and Agriculture Overlays 1%
Aquatic Bioassay and Consulting Laboratories (2004). Santa Clara River Estuary Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment Monitoring. Annual Report 2003 1%
Bagstad, KJ (2005). Response of herbaceous riparian plants to rain and flooding on the San Pedro River, Arizona, USA 1%
Baird, K, Stromberg, J, and Maddock, T (2005). Linking riparian dynamics and groundwater: An eco-hydrologic approach to modeling groundwater and riparian vegetation 1%
Barret, JC (1992). Turbidity-induced changes in reactive distance of rainbow trout 1%
Bates, CC (1953). Rational theory of delta formation 1%
Blythe, AE, Burbank, DW, Farley, KA, and Fielding, E (2000). Structural and topographic evolution of the central Transverse Ranges, California, from apatite fissiontrack, (U/Th)/He and digital elevation model analyses 1%
Bohannon, RG (1995). Tectonic implications of post-30 Ma Pacific and North American relative plate motions 1%
Bowler, PA (1989). Riparian woodlands: an endangered habitat in southern California 1%
Brothers, TS (1985). Riparian Species Distributions in Relation to Stream Dynamics, San Gabriel River, California 1%
Capelli, MH (1998). Restoring the Southern California Steelhead 1%
Cramer, SP (1995). The status of steelhead populations in California in regards to the endangered species act 1%
Drezner, TD, Fall, PL, and Stromberg, JC (2001). Plant distribution and dispersal mechanisms at the Hassayampa River Preserve , Arizona , USA 1%
Eaton, BC, and Lapointe, MF (2001). Effects of large floods on sediment transport and reach morphology in the cobble-bed Sainte Marguerite River 1%
Faber, PA (1989). The ecology of riparian habitat of the southern California coastal region: a community profile. Biological report 85(7.27). 1%
Fox, J, and Farrel, WK (Unknown). Environmental inventory and assessment for proposed Saticoy Diversion and silt pond 1%
Ferren, WR (1989). Recent research on and new management issues for southern California estuarine wetlands 1%
Ferren, WR, Capelli, MH, Parikh, A, Magney, DL, Clark, K, and Haller, JR (1990). Botanical resources at Emma Wood State Beach and the Ventura River estuary, California: inventory and management. A Report to the State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation 1%
Fields, L, and Miner (2000). Santa Clara Estuary Natural Preserve Salt Marsh Vegetation Management Plan 1%
Florshein, Ja (1997). Santa Clara River enhancement plan for reach 5 1%
Flosi, G , Downie, S, Hopelain, J, Bird, M, Coey, R, and Collins, B (1998). California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual 1%
Gabet, EJ (2003). Sediment detachment by rain power 1%
Gabet, EJ, Reichman, OJ, and Seabloom, EW (2003). The Effects of Bioturbation on Soil Processes and Sediment Transport 1%
Coffman, GC, Ambrose, RF, and Rundel, PW (2010). Wildfire promotes dominance of invasive giant reed (Arundo donax) in riparian ecosystems 1%
Lambert, A (2012). Arundo Control and Restoration at the TNC Taylor Property, Santa Paula, CA 1%
Spina, AP, Allen, MA, and Clarke, M (2005). Downstream Migration, Rearing Abundance, and Pool Habitat Associations of Juvenile Steelhead in the Lower Main Stem of a South-Central California Stream 1%
Conception Coast Project (2005). Regional Conservation Guide 1%
Watersheds Coalition of Ventura County (2006). Integrated Regional Water Management Plan 1%
US Forest Service (2006). 2006 Day Fire Burn Area Emergency Response Assessment 1%
No authors specified (). 1%
No authors specified (). 1%
No authors specified (). 1%
Bendix, J (1997). Flood Disturbance and the Distribution of Riparian Species Diversity 1%
Stillwater Sciences (2007). Santa Paula Creek Watershed Planning Project: Steelhead Habitat and Population Assessment 1%
Stillwater Sciences (2008). Santa Clara River Parkway: Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study 1%
Kelley, E (2008). Steelhead Trout Smolt Survival in the Santa Clara and Santa Ynez River Estuaries 1%
Stillwater Sciences (2011). Strategic Plan for Arundo Treatment and Post-treatment Revegetation 1%
Stillwater Sciences (2011). Santa Clara River Parkway Levee Setback Assessment of the Lower Santa Clara River, Ventura County, California - Implications for Flood Risk Management and Ecological Benefit 1%
The Nature Conservancy (2006). Santa Clara River - Upper Watershed Conservation Plan 1%
California Regional Water Quality Control Board (2006). State of the Watershed: Report on Surface Water Quality for the Santa Clara River Watershed 1%
Girman, D, and Garza, JC (2006). Population structure and ancestry of O. mykiss populations in South-Central California based on genetic analysis of microsatellite data 1%
Harrison, LR, Keller, EA, Kelley, E, and Mertes, L (2006). Minimum Flow Requirements for Southern Steelhead Passage on the Lower Santa Clara River, CA 1%
No authors specified (). 1%
Anderson, S, and Ambrose, R (2011). Assessment of Physical and Biological Condition of the Santa Clara River Estuary, Ventura County, California and the Environmental Effects of the City of Ventura Wastewater Reclamation Facility Discharge 1%
Stillwater Sciences (2007). Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study: Analysis of Riparian Vegetation Dynamics for the Lower Santa Clara River and Major Tributaries, Ventura County, California. 1%
Stillwater Sciences (2007). Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study: Focal Species Analysis and Habitat Characterization for the Lower Santa Clara River and Major Tributaries, Ventura County, California. 1%
San Francisco Estuarine Institue (2011). Historical Ecology of the lower Santa Clara River, Ventura River, and Oxnard Plain: an analysis of terrestrial, riverine, and coastal habitats 1%
The Nature Conservancy (2008). Conservation Plan for the Lower Santa Clara River Watershed and Surrounding Areas 1%
Downs, P, McCarthy, J, and Su, Y (2010). SESPE CREEK HYDROLOGY, HYDRAULICS, AND SEDIMENTATION ANALYSIS: Watershed Assessment of Hillslope and River Geomorphic Processes 1%
Dvorsky, JR (2000). The influence of valley morphology and coarse sediment distribution on rainbow trout populations in Sespe Creek, California at the landscape scale 1%
Holly, BE (2011). Environmental Factors Correlated with Changes in Riparian Plant Composition along the Santa Clara River Floodplain, California 1%
No authors specified (). 1%
Coffman, GC (2007). Factors Influencing Invasion of Giant Reed (Arundo donax) in Riparian Ecosystems of Mediterranean-type Climate Regions (PhD thesis) 1%
Craig, K, Jenniches, S, Johnston, P, and Lee, J (2009). Re-imagining Access ARCS of Experience for the Santa Clara River 1%
Boughton, DA, Adams, PB, Anderson, E, Fusaro, C, Kelley, E, Lentsch, L, Nielsen, J, Perry, K, Regan, H, Smith, J, Swift, C, Thompson, L, and Watson, F (2006). Steelhead of the South-Central/Southern California Coast: Population Characterization for Recovery Planning 1%
Boughton, DA, and Goslin, M (2006). Potential Steelhead Over-summering Habitat in the South-Central / Southern California Coast Recovery Domain: Maps Based on the Envelope Method 1%
Boughton, DA, Adams, PB, Anderson, E, Fusaro, C, Kelley, E, Lentsch, L, Nielsen, J, Perry, K, Regan, H, Smith, J, Swift, C, Thompson, L, and Watson, F (2007). Viability criteria for steelhead of the south-central and southern California coast (DRAFT) 1%
RBF Consulting (2007). Santa Paula Creek Watershed Planning Project: Hydrology and Hydraulic Watershed Assessment (DRAFT) 1%
Stillwater Sciences (2007). Santa Paula Creek Watershed Planning Project: Geomorphology and Channel Stability Assessment 1%
Stillwater Sciences and URS Corporation (2007). Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study: Riparian Vegetation Mapping and Preliminary Classification for the Lower Santa Clara River, Ventura County, California. Volume I. 1%
Stillwater Sciences (2007). Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study: Assessment of Geomorphic Processes 1%
National Marine Fisheries Service (2007). 2007 Federal Recovery Outline for the Distinct Population Segment of the South-Central California Coast Steelhead 1%
National Marine Fisheries Service (2007). 2007 Federal Recovery Outline for the Distinct Population Segment of Southern California Coast Steelhead 1%
No authors specified (). 1%
Stillwater Sciences (2011). Geomorphic Assessment of the Santa Clara River Watershed, Synthesis of the Lower and Upper Watershed Studies, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, California, Final Report 1%
, A (2009). Hydrologic Modeling of the Santa Clara River Watershed with the U.S. EPA Hydrologic Simulation Program - FORTRAN (HSPF) 1%
Stillwater Sciences (2011). Assessment of Geomorphic Processes for the Upper Santa Clara River Watershed Los Angeles County, California 1%
Kisner, D (2004). The Effect of Giant Reed (Arundo donax) on the Southern Californian Riparian Bird Community 1%
, R (2009). Santa Paula Creek Watershed Assessment and Steelhead Restoration Plan 1%
Craig, K, Jenniches, S, and Johnston, P (). 1%
Kisner, DA (2004). The Effect of Giant Reed (Arundo donax) on the Southern California Riparian Bird Community 1%
Gabet, EJ (2003). Sediment transport by dry ravel 1%
Gilbert, GK (1909). The convexity of hilltops 1%
Graf, WL (2000). Locational Probability for a Damned, Urbanizing Stream: Salt River, Arizona, USA. 1%
Hanson, RT, and Koczot, KM (2003). Simulation of Ground-Water/Surface-Water Flow in the Santa Clara-Calleguas Ground-Water Basin, Ventura County, California 1%
Hauksson, E (1994). The 1991 Sierra Madre earthquake sequence in southern California: Seismological and tectonic analysis 1%
Hawkins, CP, Bartz, KL, and Neale, CM (1997). Vulnerability of riparian vegetation to catastrophic flooding: Implications for riparian restoration 1%
Heimsath, AM, Dietrich, WE, Nishiizumi, K, and Finkel, RC (1997). The soil production function and landscape equilibrium 1%
Hupp, CR, and Osterkamp, WR (1996). Riparian vegetation and fluvial geomorphic processes 1%
Inman, DL, and Jenkins, SA (1999). Climate change and the episodicity of sediment flux of small California rivers 1%
Keeper, DK (1984). Landslides caused by earthquakes. 1%
Keeley, JE (1989). The California valley grassland 1%
Kelley, E (2004). Information Synthesis and Priorities Regarding Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on the Santa Clara River 1%
Kennett, JP (1994). Initial reports: Santa Barbara Basin. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, 146, Part 2 1%
Kirchner, JW, Finkel, RC, Riebe, CS, Granger, DE, Clayton, JL, King, JG, and Megahan, WF (2001). Mountain erosion over 10 yr, 10 k.y., and 10 m.y. time scales 1%
Knopoff, L (1996). A selective phenomenology of the seismicity of Southern California 1%
Kupfer, JA, and Malanson, GP (1993). Observed and modeled directional change in riparian forest composition at a cutbank edge 1%
Lafferty, KD, and Page, CJ (1997). Predation on the Endangered Tidewater Goby, Eucyclogobius newberryi, by the Introduced African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis, with Notes on the Frog's Parasites 1%
Lajoie, KR (1991). Quaternary non-glacial geology: conterminous United States 1%
Lite, SJ, and Stromberg, JC (2005). Surface water and ground-water thresholds for maintaining Populus - Salix forests, San Pedro River, Arizona 1%
Matthews, KR (1997). Rainbow trout responses to water temperature and dissolved oxygen stress in two southern California stream pools 1%
McLean, DG, Church, M, and Tassone, B (1999). Sediment transport along lower Fraser River 1%
Mertes, LA, Hickman, M, Waltenberger, B, Bortman, AL, Inlander, E, McKenzie, C, and Dvorsky, J (1998). Synoptic views of sediment plumes and coastal geography of the Santa Barbara Basin, California 1%
Meyer, SB (1989). Test of wildlife habitat relationships predictions for the riparian corridor of Guadalupe River, San Jose, California 1%
Montgomery, DR (1994). A physically based model for the topographic control on shallow landsliding 1%
Nanson, GC, and Croke, JC (1992). A genetic classification of floodplains 1%
Nash, DB (1994). Effective sediment-transporting discharge from magnitude-frequency analysis 1%
Nautilus Environmental (2005). Comprehensive Analysis of Enhancements and Impacts Associated with Discharge of Treated Effluent from the Ventura Water Reclamation Facility to the Santa Clara River Estuary 1%
Neeley, D (1994). The relation between oceanic factors and California steelhead survival 1%
Nielsen, JL (1999). The evolutionary history of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) along the U.S. Pacific coast: developing a conservation strategy using genetic diversity 1%
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) (2003). Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement: Robles Diversion Fish Passage Facility, Ventura River, California. 1%
Noble Consultants (1989). Coastal Sand Management Plan, Santa Barbara, Ventura County Coastline 1%
O'Leary, JF (1989). Californian coastal sage scrub: general characteristics and considerations for biological conservation 1%
Peterson, MD (1994). Fault slip rates and earthquake hisories for active faults in southern California 1%
Quinn, RD (1989). The status of walnut forests and woodlands (Juglans californica) in southern California 1%
Raphael, M (1995). The unusual storms of February 1992 in southern California 1%
Reid, LM (1996). Rapid evaluation of sediment budgets 1%
Rockwell, T (1988). Neotectonics of the San Cayetano fault, Transverse Ranges, California 1%
Rockwell, TK, Keller, EA, and Clark, MN (1984). Chronology and rates of faulting of Ventura River terraces, California 1%
Rockwell, TK (1988). Quaternary rate of folding of the Ventura Avenue anticline, western Transverse Ranges, southern California 1%
Saiki, MK (1994). Survey of fishes and selected physicochemical variables in Mugu Lagoon and its tributaries, September-November 1993 1%
Santa Clara River Trustee Council (2002). Final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for the Santa Clara River ARCO Oil Spill 1%
Slade, RC (1990). Assessment of hydrogeologic conditions within alluvial and stream terrace deposits, Acton Area, Los Angeles County 1%
Stromberg, J (1998). Dynamics of Fremont cottonwood ( Populus fremontii ) and saltcedar ( Tamarix chinensis ) populations along the San Pedro River, Arizona 1%
Swanson, ML (1990). McGrath State Beach Santa Clara River Estuary Natural Preserve: restoration and management plan 1%
Swift, CC (1993). The status and distribution of the freshwater fishes of southern California 1%
Taylor, Ga (1975). Sespe Creek study 1%
Trush, B, and McBain, S (2000). Alluvial River Ecosystem Attributes 1%
Fish, U(, and Wildlife Service) (1987). The ecology of Mugu Lagoon, California: an estuarine profile. Biological Report 85 (7.15) 1%
VCPWAFCD (Ventura County Public Works Agency Flood Control Department) (1994). Santa Clara River 1994 hydrology study 1%
Ventura County (2001). Coastal Area Plan of the Ventura County General Plan 1%
Wald, DJ (1994). A dislocation model of the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake determined from strong ground motions 1%
Warrick, JA, Mertes, LA, Washburn, L, and Siegel, DA (2004). Dispersal forcing of southern California river plumes, based on field and remote sensing observations 1%
Wells, WG (1987). The effects of fire on the generation of debris flows in southern California 1%
Wells, Wa (1987). Postfire sediment movement by debris flows in the Santa Ynez Mountains, California 1%
Weins, JA (2002). Riverine landscapes: taking landscape ecology into the water 1%
Yeats, RS (1994). Late Cenozoic tectonics of the east Ventura basin, Transverse Ranges, California 1%
Zembal, R (1989). Riparian habitat and breeding birds along the Santa Margarita and Santa Ana Rivers of southern California 1%
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. (2005). Draft Upper Santa Clara River Watershed Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Plan Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment 1%
Titus, RG, Erman, DC, and Snider, WM (In preparation). History and status of steelhead in California coastal drainages south of San Francisco Bay 1%
Cox, MH, Mendez, GO, Kratzer, CR, and Reichard, EG (2003). Evaluation of Tracer Tests Completed in 1999 and 2000 on the Upper Santa Clara River, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California 1%
ESA (Environmental Science Associates) (2003). McGrath State Beach Natural Resources Management Plan 1%
Cole, KL, and , EW (2000). A Late Holocene Paleoecological Record from Torrey Pines State Reserve, California 1%
Dunne, T, and Gabet, EJ (2002). A stochastic sediment supply model for a semi-arid landscape 1%
Gabet, EJ, and Dunne, T (2003). A stochastic sediment delivery model for a steep Mediterranean landscape 1%
Bendix, J (1994). Among-site variation in riparian vegetation of the Southern California Transverse Ranges 1%
Capelli, MH (1976). An annotated list of the fishes associated with the Santa Clara River Lagoon 1%
Ham, DG, and Church, M (2000). Bed-Material Transport Estimated From Channel Morphodynamics: Chilliwack River, British Columbia 1%
Graf, WL (1981). Channel Instability in a Braided, Sand Bed River 1%
Harris, RR (1999). Defining Reference Conditions for Restoration of Riparian Plant Communities: Examples from California, USA 1%
Drake, DE (1972). Distribution and transport of suspended matter, Santa Barbara Channel, California 1%
Carpanzano, CM (1996). Distributions and habitat associations of different age classes and mitochondrial genotypes of Oncorhynchus mykiss in streams in southern California 1%
Goodwin, P, Slaughter, CW, and Marbury, R (1998). Dominant Discharge as a Design Criteria in River Restoration 1%
Dadson, SJ, Hovius, N, Chen, H, Dade, WB, Lin, J, Hsu, M, Lin, C, Horng, M, Chen, T, Milliman, J, and Stark, CP (2004). Earthquake-triggered increase in sediment delivery from an active mountain belt 1%
Gaeuman, DA, Schmidt, JC, and Wilcock, PR (2003). Evaluation of in-channel gravel storage with morphology-based gravel budgets developed from planimetric data 1%
Bozkurt, S, Denkens, P, Gartland, R, Gragg, J, Lawyer, J, and McGoogan, M (2000). Evaluation of Setback Levees on the Sacramento River 1%
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) (1996). Factors for Decline: A Supplement to the Notice of Determination for West Coast Steelhead Under the Endangered Species Act 1%
Bell, MA (1978). Fishes of the Santa Clara River system, southern California 1%
Graf, WL (2001). Fluvial Hydrology of Regulated Rivers in the Range of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher 1%
Florsheim, JL, Keller, EA, and Best, DW (1991). Fluvial sediment transport in response to moderated storm flows following chaparral wildfire, Ventura County, southern California 1%
Holquin, OV (1981). Flow requirement study for migration of steelhead smolts from Santa Clara River to the ocean 1%
Azor, A, Keller, EA, and Yeats, RS (2002). Geomorphic indicators of active fold growth: South Mountain- Oak Ridge anticline, Ventura basin, southern California 1%
Gabet, EJ (2000). Gopher bioturbation: field evidence for non-linear hillslope diffusion 1%
Gilman, R, Abell, RA, and Williams, CE (2004). How can conservation biology inform the practice of Integrated River Basin Management? 1%
Bendix, J, and Hupp, CR (2000). Hydrological and geomorphological impacts on riparian plant communities 1%
Andrews, ED, Antweiler, RC, Neiman, PJ, and Ralph, FM (2004). Influence of ENSO on Flood Frequency along the California Coast 1%
Booker, FA (1998). Landscape and management response to wildfires in California 1%
Gabet, EJ, and Dunne, T (2002). Landslides on coastal sage-scrub and grassland hillslopes in a severe El Niño winter: The effects of vegetation conversion on sediment delivery 1%
Harp, EL, and Jibson, RW (1996). Landslides triggered by the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake. 1%
Gellis, AC, Pavich, MJ, Bierman, PR, Clapp, EM, Ellevein, A, and Aby, S (2004). Modern sediment yield compared to geologic rates of sediment production in a semi-arid basin, New Mexico: assessing the human impact. 1%
Lite, SJ, Bagstad, KJ, and Stromberg, JC (2005). Riparian plant species richness along lateral and longitudinal gradients of water stress and flood disturbance, San Pedro River, Arizona, USA. 1%
Stromberg, JC, Bagstad, KJ, Leenhouts, JM, Lite, SJ, and Makings, E (2005). Effects of stream flow intermittency on riparian vegetation of a semiarid region river (San Pedro River, Arizona). 1%
Tiegs, S, O'Leary, J, Pohl, M, and Munill, C (2005). Flood disturbance and riparian species diversity on the Colorado River Delta. 1%
URS Corporation (2005). Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Ventura County, California 1%
Beven, K (2004). Robert E. Horton's perceptual model of infiltration processes. 1%
Duvall, A, Kirby, E, and Burbank, D (2004). Tectonic and lithologic controls on bedrock channel profiles and processes in coastal California. 1%
Hauer, FR, and Lorang, MS (2004). River regulation, decline of ecological resources, and potential for restoration in a semi-arid lands river in the western US. 1%
Holl, KD, and Crone, EE (2004). Applicability of landscape and island biogeography theory to restoration of riparian understorey ? 1%
Lavé, J, and Burbank, D (2004). Denudation processes and rates in the Transverse Ranges, southern California: erosional response of a transitional landscape to external and anthropogenic forcing. 1%
Malamud, BD, Turcotte, DL, Guzzetti, F, and Reichenbach, P (2004). Landslide inventories and their statistical properties 1%
Warrick, JA, Mertes, LK, Siegel, DA, and Mackenzie, C (2004). Estimating suspended sediment concentrations in turbid coastal waters of the Santa Barbara Channel with SeaWiFS 1%
California Department of Parks and Recreation (CDPR), California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) (2005). McGrath State Beach Area Berry Petroleum Oil Spill, December 1993 - Final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment. 1%
Warrick, JA, Mertes, LA, Washburn, L, and Siegel, DA (2004). A conceptual model for river water and sediment dispersal in the Santa Barbara Channel, California. 1%
Gabet, EJ (2003). Post-fire thin debris flows: sediment transport and numerical modelling 1%
Hooke, J (2003). Coarse sediment connectivity in river channel systems: a conceptual framework and methodology 1%
Meigs, A, Yule, D, Blythe, A, and Burbank, D (2003). Implications of distributed crustal deformation for exhumation in a portion of a transpressional plate boundary, Western Transverse Ranges, Southern California. 1%
City of Santa Paula (2003). General plan policies relating to development within the 500-year flood plain of the Santa Clara River 1%
Roering, JJ, Schmidt, KM, Stock, JD, Dietrich, WE, and Montgomery, DR (2003). Shallow landsliding, root reinforcement, and the spatial distribution of trees in the Oregon Coast Range. 1%
Sommerfield, CK, and Lee, HJ (2003). Magnitude and variability of holocene sediment accumulation in Santa Monica Bay, California 1%
Stoecker, MJ (2003). Steelhead migration barrier assessment and recovery opportunities for the Sisquoc River, California 1%
USDA Forest Service (USFS) (2003). Environmental Assessment for Sespe Creek Comprehensive River Management Plan (Review Copy) 1%
USDA Forest Service (USFS) (2003). Comprehensive River Management Plan Sespe Creek 1%
Warrick, JA, and Milliman, JD (2003). Hyperpycnal sediment discharge from semiarid southern California rivers: implications for coastal sediment budgets 1%
Willis, CM, and Griggs, GB (2003). Reductions in fluvial sediment discharge by coastal dams in California and implications for beach sustainability 1%
U.S. Fish and Widlife Service (USFWS) (2002). Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Recovery Plan 1%
ENTRIX, Inc. (2002). Resident Species Study, Santa Clara River Estuary, Ventura Water Reclamation Facility NPDES Permit No. CA0053651, CI-1822 1%
Graf, WL, Stromberg, J, and Valentine, B (2002). Rivers, dams, and willow flycatchers: a summary of their science and policy connections 1%
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) (2002). Range Extension for Endangered Steelhead in Southern California 1%
Richards, K, Brasington, J, and Hughes, F (2002). Geomorphic dynamics of floodplains: ecological implications and a potential modelling strategy 1%
Robinson, CT, Tockner, K, and Ward, JV (2002). The fauna of dynamic riverine landscapes 1%
Roering, JJ, Almond, P, Tonkin, P, and McKean, J (2002). Soil transport driven by biological processes over millennial time scales 1%
Shafroth, PB, Stromberg, JC, and Patten, DT (2002). Riparian vegetation response to altered disturbance and stress regimes 1%
Steiger, J, and Gurnell, AM (2002). Spatial hydrogeomorphological influences on sediment and nutrient deposition in riparian zones: observations from the Garonne River, France 1%
Stoecker, MW, and Conception Coast Project (2002). Steelhead Assessment and Recovery Opportunities in Southern Santa Barbara County, California 1%
Sutula, M (2002). Improving Regional Planning of Wetland Ecosystem Restoration and Management in Southern California: Southern California Wetland Recovery Project Science Panel 1%
White, MD, and Greer, KA (2002). The Effects of Watershed Urbanization on Stream Hydrologic Characteristics and Riparian Vegetation of Los Penasquitos Creek, California 1%
Labinger, Z, and Greaves, J (2001). Summary report of avian studies following the ARCO/Four Corners January 17, 1994 oil spill on the Santa Clara River, California. 1%
Mertes, LA, and Warrick, JA (2001). Measuring flood output from 110 coastal watersheds in California with field measurements and SeaWiFS 1%
Stromberg, JC (2001). Influence of stream flow regime and temperature on growth rate of the riparian tree, Platanus wrightii , in Arizona 1%
The Nature Conserverancy (TNC) (2001). Bringing back the steelhead: community-based restoration of steelhead trout habitat in the Santa Clara River watershed. A proposal for the Freshwater Initiative Matching Grants Program of the Nature Conservancy's Coastal Waters Program 1%
Court, D, Glatzer, J, Hard, S, Keith, K, McDonald, J, and Ogushi, F (2000). Prioritizing Sites along the Santa Clara River for Conservation of Threatened and Endangered Species 1%
PCR Services Corporation (2000). Biological resources assessment of the proposed Santa Clara River significant ecological area 1%
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ENTRIX, Inc. (1995). Results of Fish Passage Monitoring at the Vern Freeman Diversion Facility, Santa Clara River 1%
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No authors specified (). 1%

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